Colorful Scars
There comes a point in our lives when there is no choice left but to heal.
But how?
This is an invitation to transform our wounds into colorful scars. A 9-part poem from Shiloh Sophia calls us to action, calls out the abuse and invites us to claim ourselves as we are. Shiloh has worked with thousands of women and brings the collective voice of the feminine into this long style poem. Inspired by the events in our world, and specifically the changes in the United States in 2017-2018, the time has come for chosen transformation and reclamation. The line "I am not a couch" woke her up one morning, and this is what happened. "We have long worn our scars on the inside, hidden within ourselves. Doing our best to hide, to not allow them to show up on the outside. We didn’t want to be exposed, judged, blamed and not believed. Our souls bear the marks of re-membering what was lost. We have been shaped, girdled, silenced, fragmented and shamed into looking good..."